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Image of the TPCF building looking up to the roof.


Our Vision

We believe in original sin, the need for every person to repent of living independently of God, the effectiveness of trusting in Christ alone for salvation, the need to be baptized in water as a public testimony of faith and the promise of God to fill every believer with the Holy Spirit and power.  

Who We Are

We believe you don’t have to be perfect to belong to TPCF and you don’t have to have it all together. This is a place of authenticity where people can be real, find love and acceptance and a place to belong. Made up of people of all ages and ethnicities worshipping, serving and experiencing life together.

Our Community

The Pas Christian Fellowship has been a witness to Jesus Christ in this northern community since the late 1950s. Affiliated with Salt and Light International Ministries, our mission is to Bring Life Giving Hope Through Jesus To All Generations.​

We acknowledge, with respect, the history and cultures of the people of Treaty 5 and that we gather in the traditional territory of the Anisinniwak (Cree), Dene, Saulteax, Oji-Cree, Anishinabe and Métis. We are all Treaty people and we seek to live and learn faithfully together on this land.

Jason Foster (pastor)

Jason Foster

Lead Pastor


Without the hard work and dedication of our staff and volunteers, our church would not be able to serve our community well.


If you are interested in helping in any way, please let us know. You may just be the answer to some of our prayers!

Sylvia Foster (Co-Pastor)

Sylvia Foster

Lindsey Enns (Children's Ministry Leader)

Lindsey Enns

Children's Ministry
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